The 16th Annual NYS Commercial Real Estate Conference will kick off on June 5, 2017 at the Turning Stone Resort & Casino in Verona. Sponsored by the New York State Commercial Assoc. of Realtors, the Upstate Chapter of CCIM and the Society of Exchange Counselors, the conference (June 5-7) will feature commercial education and a full day marketing investment session.
Our keynote speaker will be Brian McKenzie, owner of Finger Lakes Distillery. The brewing and distillery business is booming nationwide and these outfits have special building needs to optimize their operation and production of their product. Learn about what those needs are and how it relates to commercial real estate and your business, as well as the economic impact.
Courses for June 7 include the following three-hour classes:
• “Understanding Small Business Value” by Clifford Olin, MBA;
• “Tech Tools for Commercial Realtors” by Jeremias Maneiro;
• A four hour class on Fair Housing and Agency by Ken Guilfoyle (needed to fulfill the new licensing requirement); and
• A seven hour class “Effective Counseling and Representation of Real Estate Clients” by James Walker, CCIM.
On June 5, CCIM will sponsor a full day class, “Splitting Profits In Commercial Real Estate” instructor: Jeff Engelstad, Ph.D., FRICS, CCIM
A major attraction of the conference is always the commercial investment marketing session. This year we are joined by Jon England, SEC, CCIM and Wes Dingler, SEC as the moderators for the June 6 session. The conference will also feature round table discussions during breakfast on timely topics. Watch your email for conference updates.
During the conference we will be collecting food items for the Central New York Veteran’s Outreach Center in Utica, so please join us by bringing non perishable food items to the conference. The veteran’s organization’s mission is, “To enrich the veteran’s quality of life by providing supportive comprehensive services to all veterans in need so they may successfully integrate back into the society to which they served, consequently enhancing the surrounding communities.” The Utica Center for Development Inc. (UCD)/Central New York Veterans Outreach Center (CNYVOC) was formed to provide and conduct charitable, educational, social service, and housing services for those in need. The UCD/CNYVOC came to be developed by Vincent Scalise, an Iraqi/Afghanistan War Veteran who realized there was a lack of services for veterans in Upstate, N.Y.
CNYVOC is in the process of creating a resourceful, one stop facility in Utica for veterans residing throughout Central N.Y. When complete this facility would offer, among other services, transitional housing for homeless veterans with permanent housing for disabled and elderly veterans, plus a wide variety of other services.
On April 5-6, the Hudson Valley Chapter of NYSCAR will hold their annual education and marketing program in Fishkill. James Walker, CCIM, will teach “Investment Property Analysis and Creative Transaction Formulas” on April 5. April 6, the chapter will hold a marketing investment session. Go to for more information.
On May 17, NYSCAR and the Southern Tier Chapter of NYSCAR will hold “Introduction to Creative Marketing of Commercial Real Estate” for three hours of CE credit. A marketing investment session will be held in the afternoon. Watch for further details (
Brian DiNardo is the president of NYSCAR and is a NYS licensed real estate broker, DiNardo Realty Corp., East Rochester, N.Y.