The NYSCAR Board of Governors met on Saturday, February 4, 2017 at the Desmond Hotel and Conference Center in Albany, New York. The 2017 officers were installed: In addition to myself as president; first vice president Guy Blake, CCIM; second vice president James Walker, CCIM; treasurer Edward Gallacher, CCIM and secretary Dana Crocker. Governors with a new three year term (2017-2019) were also installed: Jay Feinberg (Hudson Valley), Gordon Furlani (Greater Capital), Rudy Lynch, CCIM (Greater Capital); and Ted Welter, CCIM, CPM (Rochester).
Board members were thanked for donating to RPAC. It was noted how important it is to donate to RPAC and that the money is well spent.
The Hudson Valley Chapter will hold their annual event April 5-6 at the Hyatt in Fishkill. NYSCAR in cooperation with the chapter will sponsor the “Investment Property Analysis and Creative Transaction Formulas” class with instructor James Walker, CCIM on April 5 and the chapter will hold a marketing session on April 6. NYSCAR in cooperation with the Southern Tier Chapter will sponsor the three-hour “Introduction to Creative Marketing of Commercial Real Estate” on May 17, 2017 with James Walker, CCIM as the instructor. The afternoon will feature a commercial investment marketing session. Watch your email for details.

Robert Strell, the 2015 Realtor of the Year recipient
2016 Realtor of the Year: Edward Gallacher, CCIM
During the February board meeting, Edward Gallacher, CCIM was honored with the 2016 Realtor of the Year Award. The Realtor of the Year Award recognizes an outstanding active member of the New York State Commercial Association of Realtor (NYSCAR).
Always willing to help with any project for NYSCAR, Gallacher was recognized for his commitment to excellence and his outstanding efforts on behalf of the New York State Commercial Association of Realtors, Inc. Gallacher has been instrumental in bringing CCIM classes to NYS and he has traveled extensively to support education programs throughout the state. He serves as the current treasurer of NYSCAR. Gallacher has been actively involved in the real estate industry since 1971. His experience includes brokerage, franchising, land development, equity syndication, finance, property management, consulting, marketing and real estate education. He received the Certified Commercial Investment Member (CCIM) designation on August 27, 2008. He is a past president of the Upstate New York CCIM Chapter and currently serves on the Board of Directors. Gallacher has also been engaged in the appraisal of real estate, specializing in commercial property appraisal since 1991. He is a NYS Certified General Appraiser (CGA). In recent years, Gallacher has appraised multi-family, industrial, retail and office properties, as well as vacant land and subdivisions.
16th Annual NYS Commercial Real Estate Conference
The board discussed the upcoming 16th Annual NYS Commercial Real Estate Conference being held June 5-7, 2017 at the Turning Stone Resort & Casino in Verona, New York. Chairman Guy Blake, CCIM reported to the board that there is a great line-up of education classes for Wednesday, June 7. They include the following three-hour classes “Understanding Small Business Value” by Clifford Olin, MBA and “Tech Tools for Commercial Realtors” by Jeremias Maneiro. There will be a four-hour class on fair housing and agency by Ken Guilfoyle (needed to fulfill the new licensing requirement) and a seven hour class “Effective Counseling and Representation of Real Estate Clients” by James Walker, CCIM.
A major attraction of the conference is always the commercial investment marketing session. This year we are joined by Jon England, SEC, CCIM and Wes Dingler, SEC as the moderators for the June 6 session. The conference will also feature round table discussions during breakfast on timely topics. Watch your email for conference updates. Mark your calendar and plan to join us June 5-7, 2017!
Brian DiNardo is the president of NYSCAR and is a NYS licensed real estate broker, DiNardo Realty Corp., East Rochester, N.Y.