The summer season is here and the chief engineer and crew are busy nurturing the chillers, attentively watching every movement like parents fussing over their newborn.
During the winter they have refurbished, polished and painted them in readiness for the season. Large amounts of manpower and expense are lavished on the HVAC system to ensure the comfort of the building occupants. If there is an HVAC malfunction the phones will ring with hot and cold complaints. The problem soon gets fixed and everyone returns to a comfortable work environment.
Now, take a moment to think about one of the least prominent line items in your budget, possibly the most under-appreciated major piece of equipment on the property: The Building Maintenance Unit (BMU), more commonly referred to as the window washing rig. The BMU lives year-round in inhospitable conditions; out of sight and often out of mind. Its proper maintenance is mandated and complied with, yet it seldom receives the fullest resources and TLC. Yet, when there is a significant BMU malfunction the cavalry is called in and emergency services are dispatched.
In a moment you will be required to be the expert on all things BMU!
Don’t wait for the unexpected to reacquaint yourself with your BMU. Appreciate all it does for you and your property team. It allows access for inspections, repairs and cleaning of the building envelope; it’s your first line of defense against the great outdoors. It stands sentinel, ready at a moment’s notice to deal with all manner of things vertical.
Go on...take a walk on the roof, say hello to your BMU. Have a good look at it, you can even climb on it if you like (as long as you wear the proper safety equipment). Better still, take it for a ride over the side. The benefits are enormous. Take a selfie! Your owner, property team, friends and family will all look at you differently. You will see your property from a completely new perspective and get the adrenalin flowing at the same time.
But before you go, take another look at that line item in the budget. Did you really show the BMU the love?
Integrity Scaffold Service Group is a specialty trade contractor serving the New York/New Jersey metro area and based in the New Jersey Meadowlands.
Will Savinovich is the president/CEO of Integrity Scaffold Service Group, Moonachie, N.J.