Bernie Fallon of Fallon Associates Realty Inc. co-brokered the $550,000 sale of 12 acres across from the Finger Lakes Gaming & Racetrack. Located at 5890 State Rte. 96, Fallon's customer, the Simmons-Rockwell Automotive Group, plans on building on a new dealership there in the near future. Rezoning of four parcels, which will later be assembled into one parcel, was required before the sale could be completed.
Bob Steehler, project manager with LaBella Associates, PC worked with the town of Farmington in the site planning and rezoning process. Simmons-Rockwell vice president Brian Liddy said, "This new location will bring us into the vibrant Rochester market and is ideally located across from one of the area's premier sporting venues."
Partnering in the transaction with Fallon was the Remax Realty Group of Pittsford and seller Phillipone Profit Share.