April 11, 2008 -
Financial Digest
The Tenant-In-Common Association (TICA) has elected its 2008 board of directors. One new registered representative, two new broker/dealers and three new sponsor members were named to TICA's board of directors.
Renee Brown of Wildwood Wealth Management was re-elected to serve a two-year term as a registered representative on the board of directors. In the broker/dealer category, Mark Kosanke of Professional Asset Management and Richard Chess of American Realty Capital Markets were both elected to a two-year term. In the sponsor category, Brian Eliason of Eliason 1031 Properties Corporation and Marc Paul of SCI Real Estate Investments LLC will serve two-year terms. Randy Beckman of Triple Net Properties will serve a one-year term.
TICA's board of directors also elected a new treasurer and secretary. Kosanke will be the treasurer, and John Temple will serve as secretary. Patricia DelRosso of Inland Real Estate Exchange Corporation will continue her two-year term as president. Effective January 1, 2009, Bill Winn, current president-elect, will become president.
As per TICA's bylaws, sponsor members vote for sponsor candidates, broker/dealer members vote for broker/dealer candidates and registered representatives members vote for registered representative candidates.