July 28, 2014 -
Green Buildings
90% of the data in the world today was created in the past 2 years.
As we rely more and more heavily on technology to run and manage our business processes, how can we predict how much data will be generated and retained by the year 2020 in light of the exponential growth expected on an M2M level and the ushering in of the era of Internet of Things??
What protections can be put into place to assure resiliency of data against threats such as climate change, energy supply and energy storage, given the fact that servers are run on maximum capacity all day long, and waste 90% of the energy they take in.
Today, most data centers are cooled with energy derived from burning fossil fuel. New systems design call for utilizing a greater % of energy from: (i) renewable sources, (ii) heat recovery strategies, (iii) co-generation, (iv) fuel cells and (v) emerging grid markets.
Locally, such resources as Dave Popisil from ConEd or others from NYSERDA are invaluable in promoting energy reduction through grant making, thereby alleviating some of the financial impacts for implementing environmentally friendly energy solutions.
Nadine Cino LEED AP is the CEO and co-inventor of Tyga-Box Systems, Inc., New York, N.Y.