March 28, 2008 -
New York City
Why be a member? NYCREW Network is absolutely committed to the goal of providing its members with opportunities to succeed in commercial real estate (CRE). It does so through a variety of ways, including: encouraging and referring business opportunities among our members, presenting the industry's thought leaders for timely discussions of relevant issues and developments, providing professional development and skills training for our members, and mentoring young women at the early stages of their commercial real estate careers. NYCREW has been particularly focused on doing so in a manner which maintains the highest professional and ethical standards, and fosters a supportive, collaborative and responsive environment, among our members and within the CRE community.
NYCREW Network's members represent many of the biggest, best and most active players in their respective segments of the CRE industry. As such, they are a wonderful resource for sharing CRE information and developments, and accessing CRE decision-makers, both in the New York market and throughout North America. Your membership in NYCREW Network automatically invests you with membership in CREW Network and a unique direct link to highly responsible and reputable senior CRE professionals across the United States and in Canada - a truly important benefit in this age of increasing nationalization and globalization of the CRE industry. As part of your NYCREW membership, you will be included in, and provided with access to, CREW's membership directory of over 7,000 members. There are numerous opportunities not only to access this membership network remotely, but in person at several terrific multi-chapter meetings held during each year, including CREW's annual conference which attracts over 900 CRE professionals, not to mention those NYCREW events which CREW members often attend and/or conduct.
NYCREW Network understands that networking is about building productive relationships, and in order to be truly meaningful, it requires committed and engaged participants. We also recognize that effective networking occurs 24/7, and simply cannot be limited to 2 or 3 hours at a monthly event. Our members are dedicated to the advancement of all CREW members, particularly NYCREW members, a commitment which is shared by CREW members throughout the network. For any size, type or location of CRE transaction, claim, issue or question, you will find within the CREW Network members with useful experience and helpful connections willing to help out at any time.
Among the other benefits accruing to NYCREW membership, is access to the CREW and NYCREW members-only job banks, opportunities to contribute content and quotes to CRE media and speak at CRE conferences and other events, and the ability to interact with highly sophisticated, knowledgeable and effective CRE practitioners who excel at their profession. The caliber, expertise, character and superior performance of CREW members is widely known, and redounds to the benefit of all NYCREW members when pursuing these opportunities.
Within NYCREW Network, our members are very knowledgeable of the New York area, and northeast regional, markets, being involved in some of the most prominent deals being done today, contributing to new developments and setting emerging trends. Our members also represent a broad range of companies and business located within New York City and surrounding areas, large and small, and representing a great variety of CRE disciplines. As such, it is very easy to find just about any CRE expertise you may need in and about NYC for business prospects, referrals, information and access, and our members are delighted to assist each other in any way possible.
Representation and Diversity
NYCREW's membership, consisting of women from a broad range of disciplines within the commercial real estate industry and representing a wide range of industry segments, such as hospitality, industrial, office, retail, mixed use, capital markets, finance/ equity, transportation, etc., is a key component in accomplishing our mission. We strongly believe that the success of each professional woman in commercial real estate (CRE), rewards all women in CRE. We welcome qualified new members from all segments of the CRE community we serve, embracing among our membership the diversity of disciplines and members represented by that community. So as to enhance the value of the opportunities provided to our members, representation among our active membership of each of the approved CRE industry disciplines, is limited to approximately 15 percent of our total membership at any given time. Accordingly, acceptance of each new member, is subject to the availability at the time of openings in the CRE discipline represented by such prospective member. If there are no membership openings at the time of application, prospective candidates will be placed on a waiting list, and as membership positions open up, applicants will be considered in the order in which their applications were received.
Membership Qualifications
Any professional who has been employed full-time as a provider of services in the field of commercial real estate for five or more years, is eligible for membership consideration, assuming the requisite qualifications and requirements are met. Associate membership is available, subject to the discretion of the Board of Directors, on a limited basis, from time to time, for those with 2-5 years experience.
Membership Eligibility
All applicants for NYCREW Network membership must be approved by its Board of Directors. To be considered for membership by the Board of Directors, an applicant must: (a) attend two open meetings within a 12-month period, (b) be sponsored by two NYCREW Network members, at least one of whom is employed by a firm other than the firm employing the applicant, and (c) demonstrate commitment to the mission and goals of NYCREW Network and CREW Network.
To enhance the value of the opportunities provided to all of our members and fully realize the benefits offered to each member, we strongly encourage active participation by our members in NYCREW Network. Active participants better contribute to a dynamic and supportive environment, a more engaged membership and increased business networking opportunities.