February 24, 2014 -
Green Buildings
Entergy's Vermont Yankee nuclear plant will be decommissioned at the end of the year amidst concerns over safety and the cost-effectiveness of nuclear generation. Should the same happen at their Indian Point facility in the near future, the N.Y.C. power grid would be severely taxed. To plan for, and protect against, a crippling event, Con Edison and NYSERDA are executing contingency plans. Part of these plans include securing unprecedented financial incentives for building owners/operators in the city who would undertake projects to help manage and reduce peak load. This level of funding helps projects gain traction. MCE can assist their clients in understanding the funding levels and application procedures necessary to secure these unprecedented subsidies to reduce peak electricity demand.
Taking advantage of these funds obviously buys down capital investment, enhancing Net Operating Income, and ultimately increasing the value of a property. It also protects the future of their electricity supply and delivery networks.
It is important to note that these incentives will be available regardless of whether or not Indian Point is decommissioned.
For more info please read their recent blog post on MCEnergy.com.