September 09, 2013 -
Long Island
Alcott HR, one of the nation's leading Professional Employer Organizations (PEOs), has an antidote for what is ailing businesses regarding healthcare reform and the chaos that lies in its wake. The company has created a website dedicated to helping businesses prepare for the "Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act" (PPACA) which includes both an informative white paper and webinar addressing businesses' most frequent and pressing questions. Both are available at:
In its white paper entitled, "Preparing for PPACA - Helping you find the cure for the chaos," Alcott HR provides an update on the latest change regarding the one year delay in the Employer Mandate (Play or Pay) from January 1, 2014 to January 1, 2015. It then goes on to answer such common questions as:
Will my business be eligible for the Small Business Tax Credit?
How will PPACA affect the medical flex spending account we offer our employees?
What is the medical loss ratio I keep hearing about and can we use the rebates for our general accounts?
Are there any taxes associated with PPACA of which my business needs to be aware?
What is an exchange?
What is the Individual Mandate, and as a business owner, do I have to worry about it?
What is the Employer Mandate and how will I know if my business is subject to it?
If my business is subject to the Employer Mandate, are we required to offer health insurance to our employees?
The answers to these and other important questions are provided in easy to understand terms designed to eliminate much of the confusion associated with health care reform. Also offered in the white paper is a list of online resources providing additional information. Among them are the federal government's website on health care reform (, the IRS site ( and the Kaiser Family Foundation's health care reform site (
In addition to the white paper, Alcott HR's companion webinar can be accessed at:
Both the white paper and webinar are being provided by Alcott HR as a business community service. The company's HR specialists are also available to provide support and employer services to small and mid-sized organizations relating to the administration and management of their company's health care benefits, as well as their insurance, payroll and related tax administration. For additional information, visit: