May 13, 2013 -
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Question and Answer with Robert Mayer, Co-managing partner at MayerMeinberg LLP, an accounting firm with offices in New York City and Long Island. MayerMeinberg has long specialized in "Pro-Active Strategies" for client growth, working closely with the client to anticipate challenges and opportunities, and advise the optimal scenario to help them achieve their financial goals.
Q: As one of MayerMeinberg's managing partners, what is your role at the company?
A. I have numerous responsibilities, but one of my most important tasks is maintaining the quality of the staff. I make it a priority to oversee that the staff is professionally trained and capable of performing accounting and auditing services to the firm's standards. We recognize that our staff is essential to our success. Mark Meinberg, my co-managing partner and I both feel our role is overseeing adjustments or changes that can improve and develop the firm. Another area of responsibility is acquiring new clients and looking for opportunities for growth. I like to look at the big picture and think strategically about and for the firm.
Q: How has MayerMeinberg evolved and grown since the merger of Mayer & Company and Feldman, Meinberg & Co. in September of 2011?
A. MayerMeinberg has increased our new client base by 15% by providing audited financials to middle market businesses. We have also brought in two partners since the merger and have added accounting staff positions. In addition, we can now service larger clients more efficiently. We take the necessary steps to assemble a team to effectively serve a client and structure services to fit their needs. As an independent member of the BDO Seidman Alliance, we are able to utilize the resources and capabilities of an international network of accountants and provide them to our clients.
Q: How did you first get involved in the real estate industry?
A. My first exposure to the real estate industry was through my involvement at a firm as a CPA. I handled a great deal of contractors, developers and people involved in real estate. I was involved in bonding company projects which required reviewed audited financial statements. I make every effort to learn more about the specifics and the specializations that are required to be successful in this industry so that I could help my clients.
Q: How do you identify what
services your clients need?
A. Inherent in our service approach are quality and our commitment to bringing value to our clients. Through our pro-active approach to serving our clients, we provide management consulting services, which give our clients the ability to control their business. We meet with the client, listen to what services they have and discuss other options they might need. These might include buy/sell agreements, factoring receivables, and a different level of financial statements to secure financing, just to name a few.
Q: What business accomplishment are you most proud of?
A. One of my clients was a business owner who was facing hard times due to the economy. I negotiated a short sale of their large commercial building, the location of the business, on their behalf and was able to reach a settlement for less than the full amount and the release of their personal guarantees. I was proud of this because the SBA seldom forgives a business of their debt unless they go out of business. My client was able to remain in business, keep workers employed and create a payment plan that was within their means.
Q: What predications do you have about the real estate market?
A. We have always been a major player in providing financial statements to bonding companies. I feel that there has been an improvement in the construction industry as far as infrastructure rebuilding due to SuperStorm Sandy. Many projects that have been put on hold are now beginning to be resurrected. For example, in Plainview, a proposed 900 home development is back in for approval.
Q: What is your personal work ethic, and how does this affect the company culture?
A. I try to set an example to the staff which exemplifies a high level of professionalism and a commitment to giving back to the community. I personally am involved in Nassau County's Museum of Art and Hofstra's Zarb Business School Advisory Board. We aim to always be available to our clients and respond as quickly as possible when they need us.
Q: What do you attribute success to?
A. On a personal level, I attribute personal success to hard work and long hours. At MayerMeinberg, we recognize the benefits of a planned, proactive approach which leads to success. Many of the firm's accomplishments are due to our experienced team of professionals who are able to provide clients with strategies to help them achieve their goals.