April 09, 2012 -
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Ron Garfunkel is president and CEO of Service Directions, Inc. (SDi) which is a family-owned and operated business. SDi has been providing laundry machines and operating laundry facilities in residential and commercial properties throughout the metropolitan area since 1952. He joined the business in 1967 after graduating college in 1963 and fulfilling a three-year tour in the army as an officer and a spotter pilot in Vietnam.
In the 1970s, he took over from his father and changed the company name to Service Directions, to emphasize their commitment to service. In the new Millennium, the firm is known as SDi Laundry Solutions, as we move away from coin-operated systems and turn to new high-tech solutions to doing laundry. As an innovator in smart card laundry solutions, SDi uses smart card technology in laundry rooms which allow residents to pay by credit or debit card through the Internet.
Installing "green" machines to use Smart Card technology allows us to substantially reduce our carbon footprint by eliminating the need to drive trucks to pick up tons of quarters every week, as we did in the past. Giving back to the community, providing the best in customer service, helping to reduce fuel consumption and carbon emissions; these are the three most important goals that Ron has set for himself and his company as we move into the second decade of the 21st Century.